If you could host a dinner and anyone you invited was sure to come, who would you invite?

If you could host a dinner and anyone you invited was sure to come, who would you invite?

I’d invite a mix of historical figures and contemporary thinkers to spark fascinating conversations. Here’s my list:

  1. Albert Einstein – to discuss the mysteries of the universe.
  2. Marie Curie – to hear about her groundbreaking work in radioactivity.
  3. Leonardo da Vinci – for insights into art, science, and invention.
  4. Maya Angelou – to share her wisdom and experiences.
  5. Nikola Tesla – to explore his visionary ideas on technology.
  6. Jane Goodall – to discuss her work with primates and conservation.
  7. Ada Lovelace – to delve into the early days of computing.
  8. Martin Luther King Jr. – to talk about civil rights and social justice.
  9. Elon Musk – to discuss the future of technology and space exploration.

This diverse group would likely lead to an evening of enlightening and inspiring conversations.